Today I took my daughter Hannah on her first ride on our Harley! It was a relatively short ride to Braums for some milk. After having given her the regular safety and passenger instructions we were on our way. We didn't go too fast or anything, just a nice morning ride - she really enjoyed it and so did I. We arrived at our destination and we headed to the store entrance. I noticed Hannah was a little "shy" acting so I told her to "stand up tall and be proud because she is on a Harley with her daddy!"
After we made our purchase of 4 gallons of milk, we went back out to pack the saddlebags. I must admit those bags were bulging and I remember thinking to myself "we have to get these in here." We finally got it all ready to go. On the way home I thought to myself "I sure hope those bags don't drop off." Just then I envisioned the scene. Here we are riding along and BAM! The saddlebags drop off and skid along the pavement and splash all 4 gallons of milk all over the road! Of course, this took place in about a 20 second time span. I could almost hear the sound of it all happening. Thank God it was just a silly thought and we made it home with milk and saddlebags still in place.
We all get stretched from time to time don't we? Think about it. We get stretched in finances, peace, marriage, school, you name it we get stretched. Here is ONE of the definitions of stretch: extend or spread over an area or period of time. Have you ever felt like that? I know I have! As I was taking the milk out of those saddlebags I thought of how many times I have been stretched in many different areas. I also thought of how many times during the stretching I wanted to drop off! There are many verses in The Bible that relate to being stretched. One version even calls it a gift: Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. (I would call that stretching!)You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. (that would mean: don't let the stretching cause you to drop off!) Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. (James 1:2-4 Message Bible)
He doesn't want us to "drop off" but to stand on His promises and be developed to maturity!
Peace vs. strife is an area of stretching that seems to be quite frequent for me. It's easy for me to get angry and lash out with my words or actions. But The Word of God tells us that anger is a work of the flesh and to pursue peace with everyone. (Galatians 5 & 1Peter 3) So when the opportunity for strife presents itself, like the saddlebags, I must allow my faith to be stretched and believe God's word to be peaceful / peace-FULL! Or I could just "drop off" and splash that junk all over myself or other people.
So in the days, weeks, even years to come make the decision to allow God to stretch you by believing His word and acting on His directions. Don't drop off along the way but let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
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