Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sneaking around to find someone to attack!

Today I went on an early morning motorcycle ride. I really like riding early in the morning because there is less traffic and it's cooler. As I was cruising along I happened upon a couple of young boys riding their bicycles, I realized one of them was from my school and he yelled "Tab!" So I pulled over to visit with them instead of waving and continuing on my way.

I yelled in a serious tone at the boy I didn't know: "Hey kid, that's MY bike now get off it!" He looked puzzled but without argument he got off and stated to bring it to me! I was surprised that he did that. I mean, a bike is a young guys primary transportation, if nothing else he could've just took off through the field on it in hopes I wouldn't chase him down.

I laughed and assured him I was only joking about the bike. I asked him why he was gonna give his bike up so easily. Then we all laughed again and he said: "Well, I sure wasn't about to fight a biker!" (Now I do look pretty intimidating with all my "biker stuff" on but anyone who knows me, knows I'm tame as a teddy bear!) We finished our chat and we went on our way.

As I rode off I thought about this scripture: Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack.But you must resist the devil and stay strong in your faith... 1Peter 5:8

Just like that little boy who was gonna give me his bike because I talked with confidence, looked mean and intimidating, Christians will give in to pressure from the enemy because he appears to be a threat! The Word says to resist the devil and stay strong in your faith! So when he shows up talking confident, looking mean, and intimidating you with sickness, fear, lack, or anything that's contrary to The Word you must resist him!

For example, when your bills come due and it appears the need cant / wont be met you release your faith by speaking The word of God! "It is written, my God is supplying all of my need according to His riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. Thank you Jesus these needs are supplied." It works exactly the same way with anything you face, sickness, fear etc... Find the promise from God and begin to speak it over the situation it will change - it has to! Submit yourself yo God resist the enemy and he will flee!

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