Monday, August 15, 2011

Are you contagious?

Recently we were led to our new church home. It is called The Landing Community Church. The word for the year is Courageous. We received a black wristband with the word Courageous and the numbers 178 on it. I've worn it around since the day I got it. I like what it stands for, I like the way it looks so, I decided to get it tattooed on my wrist! The numbers are the Bible reference: Joshua 1:7-8 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do. Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. 

**courageous |kəˈrājəs|
not deterred by danger or pain; brave. **

Did you now that courage is contagious? When we were kids there was a new housing edition being built not far from our house. it was so much fun to go over there and climb around on the roofs and rafters of those houses. I'm not sure who, (definitely NOT me!) but one of our friends came up with the idea to jump from one roof to the other. Well as you can imagine, at first, the only one who would jump was the guy who came up with the idea! So he did. It was dangerous for sure, but brave? He made it look so easy and fun! It wasn't long before we were all jumping from house to house. What happened here? The courage of the one boy was contagious, and the next thing I know I'm jumping with everyone else. 

So it is in life. To be courageous is to be contagious. It takes courage to give your life to Jesus Christ, it takes courage to obey The Holy Spirit, it takes courage to tell others about Jesus, it takes courage to get married (we celebrated our 14th year June 21st), it takes courage to have 4 kids, it takes courage to get a tattoo that says courageous 178 on your wrist! Your God given courage will influence those around you to be courageous for The Lord too!

What is God saying in the Bible verse? He's telling us to be strong and very courageous, obey The Word, don't be afraid don't try to come up with your own way, just trust & follow His. Then He promises, as we keep ourselves daily in The Word, speaking it, thinking on it, we will be successful in all that we do!

So today dare to be courageous with The Lord and it will be contagious to everyone around you!

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